How to Use Binance App on Mobile, Iphone / Android #Blockchain #Kriptopara #Bitcoin #Altcoin #TeknikAnaliz
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In this video , i told how to use binance, using and iphone or android mobile app. You can understand clearly binance mobile app with this video. You can learn binance mobile app stop loss , stop limit, So this is a tutorial for binance mobil app specially for beginners. This video tell binance mobill app for not only iphone but also android mobile.
Binance is the biggest volume bitcoin and altcoin exchange in the world.
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Iphone’a nasıl indirdin
Your English is good bro!!!!! Thank you for the information and quality video!!1
Я нихуя не понял дядь.
Can i know how to logout from this app.. The newer ver doesn't have logout button
You haven't told us how or where to get the finance app.
Ru Turkish lan aksandan belli sil bunu
charge your phone
Baba bize niye böyle uzun çekmedin 🤷🏼🙈😂
Türkçesi varmı bunun
Ne güzel İngilizce😂
It's not the same on Android